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After a few decades of effort, regions and countries finally signed the Carbon Agreement and built the Carbon Union in 2030 within the UNFCCC. Those regions that signed the Carbon Agreement are enrolled in the Carbon Union, a pilot global community where has carbon price to every human activity. The Carbon Union's mission is to use the collective power of individuals to make up the gap between the industry carbon reduction plan and a carbon sustainable life.


In Carbon Union, there is a new currency upon the existing ones called carbon credits, and everyone has a daily carbon credit cap. If citizens exceed their carbon credit caps, they can make up the difference through an expansive monthly payment to the Carbon Union, or they can earn carbon credits by offsetting carbon emissions on their own. 

The Carbon Union Map

The department of Carbon


The Department of Carbon (CUDC) was build with in the Carbon Union for setting and publishing carbon policies, regulations and incentives. It sets mechanisms to set carbon prices, release and track carbon credits, exam and authorize carbon sequestration tools, collecting carbon bills and approve carbon credit transactions. 

Each parities in the Carbon Union has a Department of Carbon branch to manage the carbon emission within the region and will report to the central Department of Carbon. 

The carbon agreement


The Carbon Agreement builds upon the Convention and  brings nations into a common cause to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change and adapt to its effects, with enhanced support to assist developing countries to do so.

The Carbon Agreement deals with greenhouse gas emissions reduction, sequestration, and finance starting in the year 2040. The language of the agreement was negotiated by representatives of 175 parties at the 36th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC in ShanghaiThe Agreement aims to respond to the global climate change threat by closing the gap between the industry carbon reduction plan and a carbon sustainable life this century and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further.



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